Children can benefit from therapy as much as adults, but the best approach often differs for younger folks. Depending on their age, they may not be able to understand events that have happened or even how to sit still and speak with a therapist.
Children’s therapy is oriented explicitly toward accommodating these child-specific needs for greater success. While parents are not necessarily required to attend therapy with their children, studies repeatedly show that when a parent is present and actively engaged in the process, the child sees better outcomes.
It is important for parents to learn practical strategies for nurturing open, honest communication with their child during therapy sessions, as this can help them feel supported and understood. Here are a few suggestions for discussing complex topics with your child during therapy.
Be Present, Not Perfect
One of the most important things a parent can do for a child going through therapy is to be present. This does not mean just sitting in the room; it can also include engaging the child in conversation outside the therapist’s office and within. Some children would rather not have lengthy conversations, which is all right. Parents who can offer a smile or support their child during play can also facilitate good therapy.
Be Honest
Sometimes, children may turn to their parents as a source of help during therapy, such as if they are unsure how to answer a question posed by the therapist. It is important for the parent to be honest without conflicting with the therapist’s goals.
For instance, suppose that a family was involved in a car accident. Everyone walked away with minor injuries, but the child has been left fearful of vehicles or going near roads. A therapist may ask the parent and child to describe their feelings about getting into a car again.
The parent needs to respond honestly (e.g., “I am still nervous about driving, even though I know that what happened was an accident”) rather than putting on a “brave face” for the child. This can help them to be honest about their feelings.
Keep Topics Open

One of the greatest challenges that parents face during children’s therapy is coping with the process of recovery. They may wish for their child to “recover” or transition back to a flourishing life, but this process is often neither linear nor quick.
Do not feel the need to “resolve” a child’s trauma or challenges. Therapy sessions may progress in a certain area, and then the next session may not touch on that area. Be willing to keep topics open so the child does not feel pressured to “get over it” or feel disappointed that they are not meeting their parent’s expectations.
Embrace Alternative Methods
Many children struggle with sharing their feelings and details about an event when they are maintaining prolonged eye contact with a therapist. Parents should embrace and support using methods that are more suitable for children, such as play therapy, art, and journaling.
It is easy to feel that simply sitting down, focusing, and talking things through would achieve faster results. However, children’s needs are different from those of adults when it comes to psychotherapy. A child may benefit from light distraction when difficult topics arise to help information flow.
Make the Questions and Answers Short
In some instances, a therapist may rely on a parent to ask questions to the child, especially if the child is unwilling to respond to the therapist directly. One of the best ways to engage in Q&A behavior with a child during therapy is to keep the questions (and their potential answers) short and simple. Yes/no questions are a good start, as are any that can be framed as “on a scale from 1 to 10.”
Take Breaks
Parents often have a greater tolerance for discomfort than their children; they understand that therapy is beneficial, even if it is uncomfortable in the short term. Children, however, struggle to see things this way. Parents must be willing to take breaks more frequently than they may expect so that children have time to process whatever difficult topic they face.
Stand With Your Child in Therapy

Children struggling with issues that are difficult to talk about can benefit greatly from the help of a children’s therapist. However, parents play an active role in the process. They should understand how to talk about those difficult topics within the context of a therapy appointment.
From being honest to simply being present or willing to accept less common therapy methods such as play, parents have many options to broach challenging issues. Contact Village Counseling today to set up a children’s therapy appointment and learn how you can be a stepping stone on their road to success.