Life will surely come with its ups and downs for everyone, but these fluctuations can become overwhelming and problematic for some. In other instances, life seems mostly made of downs, and people struggle to find hope that there will ever be ups again. For some, a problematic habit or thought pattern can leave them feeling they can never achieve their goals because they are sabotaging themselves.
No matter which of these reasons (or others) sound like you, individual therapy may be helpful. Individual therapy is valuable for many reasons, such as reforming habits or developing better-coping strategies to overcome life’s obstacles. However, some people are hesitant to commit to therapy because they are not sure that it is the next best step for them. Knowing when to consider individual treatment is the first stage toward progress.
What Is Individual Therapy?
Individual therapy can take many forms, but typically, it involves a person and a therapist or in a telehealth setting and talking. The therapist may ask questions or allow the patient to speak if something is on their mind. Patients are safe to examine the challenges they face or the goals they are striving to achieve.
The therapist can target that specific person’s mental habits, routines, thought processes, and coping strategies to narrow down what is interfering with their success. The therapist can also equip the patient with new coping strategies and skills to help them achieve success.
You Should Consider Individual Therapy When
Individual therapy is a powerful tool, and patients should understand when therapy is the right step. Some indicators that it may be time for individual therapy include when:
You are feeling stuck in life
It is normal to hit a rut now and then. However, suppose a patient’s life seems to have lost all forward momentum, hope, or inspiration. In that case, it may be time for individual therapy. Therapists can help people rediscover their passions or escape situations not serving them.
You are frequently bothered by the same problem
Everyone has their struggles, and many people see them recur from time to time. For instance, someone may become anxious before giving a large presentation, even though they have practiced thoroughly.
However, if the patient faces this issue repeatedly and so frequently that it is interfering with their life or goals, therapy may be in order. Anxiety before a presentation is normal; anxiety during everyday tasks each day could benefit from additional attention.
You are unhappy with how you respond to situations
It is normal for people to lose themselves in an emotion occasionally. However, if this is a regular occurrence, especially if the patient is unhappy with their response, individual therapy can help. Some people benefit from learning new coping mechanisms to interrupt the responses they dislike and change them to behaviors they want to see.
You are facing challenges you do not want to share publicly
Individual therapy is highly private; in fact, therapists may not share information about patients with other people (with the sole exception of when the patient is a danger to themselves or others). Sometimes, having an outlet to speak about challenges the patient is unwilling to share with anyone else can equip them with new strategies or serve as emotional catharsis. Individual therapy is ideal for this and supports situations that are otherwise very sensitive or confidential.
You have goals but are not sure how to achieve them
Some are inspired to chase a goal, but they soon discover they have no ideas for how to shape their life to pursue it. An individual therapist can help their patients pinpoint which habits, thought processes, and behaviors are serving them (and which are interfering with their success).
You need someone to listen
Sometimes, all a person needs is someone to lend an ear. There is no shame in seeking individual therapy to talk through life events with no particular goals in mind. This type of sharing can be highly cathartic. It may serve as a sounding board for individuals to find their solutions for issues they face.
Try Individual Therapy to Grow and Develop
Individual therapy serves a wide range of uses for patients of all types. It is an excellent fit for almost anyone, no matter their goals. The professionals at Village Counseling are always happy to welcome new patients, no matter their goals or struggles. Contact Village Counseling today to schedule your individual therapy appointment!